Goal & Reward Tracker [Printable]

get caught reading

Today’s insert is about reward as motivation. We all struggle to keep up the momentum. So if you have a goal you are struggling with – why not give yourself a reward or treat to look forward to and write it into your tracker so you can keep you eye on the prize.


Insert Downloads & Printables will only be available with a Prompts for Filofaxers Subscription. You can get yours for FREE by becoming a mailing list subscriber – don’t miss out – subscribe now. Printable is accessed through the subscription.

February 2016 Update


Thank You!!

Our December Kickstarter – the Goals Planner 2016 was successfully funded. Thank you to everyone who supported (and shared our campaign). All the orders have now been shipped and have started to arrive with our backers.

Thank you once again for your support.

We are now able to get excited about our other upcoming projects. We will soon be launching our… Organisational Notebooks Subs Club by Printed Portal which will be going live later this month.

A pocket sized notebook delivered direct to your door (or email account) each month.


We have also decided to join in the April A to Z Challenge 2016.

A2Z-BADGE 2016-smaller_zpslstazvib

This will be our third time joining in with the challenge. Once again we hope to design a set of filofax / planner inserts for our reader to download, print and use. It would be great to have a theme again – we currently have our thinking caps on but please let us know if there is anything you would like to see or like for us to try and include?

FF (inserts)

and because we missed it yesterday – Pancake Day – Recipes DOWNLOAD YOURS NOW READY FOR PANKCAKE TUESDAY

Weekend Trip Packing List #filofaxfriday

packing list

This weekend is my second weekend trip in a row. So I thought it was about time to create an easy travel insert that I can refer to so that packing for a weekend away is a walk in the park.

This week’s free download is the result of this project. Three different inserts are available to download – the suggested items list  and a blank insert for both A5 and Personal for you to create your own packing list.

Grab your Insert now! Don’t forget you now need to be an email subscriber to access the new inserts for FREE.

10 Ways… to use the 30 Day Habit Tracker Insert


This  free insert / printable allows you to choose the habit to focus on, write down the motivation for why you have picked this habit and allows you to reward yourself at the end of the 30 days. I have also included a bubble for completion of the habit. You can either proudly declare the date, just write ‘success’ or make a note for what to try next time.

10 ways to use… a habit tracker in your Filofax

  1. the obvious one – to track a traditional daily habit: exercising, eating healthily or having breakfast. Keep one in your Fitness and Health Filofax.
  2. to use as an alternative to the daily routine checklist (or equivalent) in any Filofax.
  3. to use in your Blogging Filofax – want to use social media daily? or publish a blog post daily? Add this insert to your Blogging Filofax to help motivate your engagement.
  4. to use in your Career Filofax – are you a job seeker? maybe you want to do a daily job search? Add this insert to your Filofax to keep you on track.
  5. to use in your Reading Filofax – use this insert to work on your goal of reading a chapter a day to help you get through your reading list more efficiently.
  6. to develop a regular writing or journaling habit.
  7. to break a BAD habit  – keep one in you food diary / recipe filofax to stop you from buying takeaway or any unhealthy foods – how many days can you go without?
  8. to track a challenge you are taking part in like NaNoWriMo, April A to Z Challenge or other daily blogging challenge or Photo a Day Challenges.
  9. as end of the day ‘downtime’. If you review your day / to do list at the end of the day – incorporate your habit tracker ticking off into your routine (or use the habit tracker to start your own end of the day wind down).
  10. to track your habits to find out how often you are doing them – you may not be doing them daily or weekly, even where you have no regular routine, tracking when you do something can provide valuable information to help plan your habits, make changes to your lifestyle or simply ‘give you the heads up’.

The 30 day Habit Tracker is available to download from ‘Prompts for Filofaxers’. Email Subscribers can access this download for FREE.

Actionable Telephone Note #filofaxfriday


It has been a busy week of booking and making appointments to see wedding venues. I usually use my diary (personal calls) or my desk planner (work calls) to remind myself to call someone but this week I have found that I needed something more. I needed to remember things to ask during the call as well as remember what was confirmed in the call and what I needed do next. I needed a sensible place for all this information.

Prompted by this experience I decided to create actionable telephone notes that can be stored in your filofax to keep phone messages, reminders for calls to make and records of calls made. It is worth keeping a few blank ones in your filofax (you never know when you might need them). I have added a few to my Wedding Planner filofax and my Career filofax now.

Grab your Insert now! Don’t forget you now need to be an email subscriber to access the new inserts for FREE.

Filofax Friday: 30 Day Habit Tracker

This month I have been thinking about goals and resolutions and this includes – starting good habits (and getting rid of bad ones). Last year I started by using an app and then another app and then another one and none of them really seemed to work and I ended up resorting to a habit tracker in a similar style to my daily routine checklist for making sure I do something on a daily basis.I usually use it with my filofax open when I am in front of the computer or having my morning coffee and simply carry out the action and check it off.

However, this is not the same as picking a habit, and developing that habit over a period of 30 days. This week’s free insert / printable allows you to choose the habit to focus on, write down the motivation for why you have picked this habit and allows you to reward yourself at the end of the challenge. I have also included a bubble for completion of the habit. You can either proudly declare the date, just write ‘success’ or make a note for what to try next time.

Free Download: 30 Day Habit Tracker.

Filofax Friday: Stocking Fillers Shopping List

This week we have the perfect add on for your Christmas Planner or your shopping list – a colourful stocking fillers shopping list – grab your free download by clicking on the links:

Christmas Planning: Stocking Fillers Shopping List (a5)

Christmas Planning: Stocking Fillers Shopping List (Various Sizes for Personal)

Top 10 Ways to Use the A-Z Filofax Dividers

This week I had been thinking about how to use the A-Z dividers in my new A5 Calipso Filofax and designed an A-Z Index Insert which I have made the blank version available for free as this week’s filofax friday post and this led to to think about how I use the A to Z divider inserts in other filofaxes. So here we have it – the top ways to use the dividers.

Top 10 Ways to Use the A-Z Filofax Dividers

  1. Address Book and Business Cards
  2. Smart Phone Backup
  3. Recipes
  4. Filing System
  5. Lists / Record-Keeping
  6. Information / Wiki on a particular topic
  7. Spare Inserts
  8. Logins and Passwords
  9. Dictionary / Vocab for languages, legal or medical terms.
  10. Reference Material such as samples, colours  and materials

At the moment I currently use my A to Z dividers in the following ways:

A to Z Dividers: as an address book

Sometimes even in a world of technology the A to Z filofax dividers can be used as intended to organise your contacts. In my Networking Filofax I use the A to Z dividers to sort out my networking contacts. I actually have special inserts I use for my contacts to keep track of the extra information like where I met them and business we have done together but I simply file them alphabetically using the A to Z dividers. I don’t keep this information in my phone, but in my filofax.

A to Z Dividers: as a filing system

A lot of filofax users use their A to Z Dividers as a filing system. I do too in my Blogging Filofax which you can read more at my sub-blog: The Blogging Planner Project.

Sometimes there is a tendancy to file random pages so if you have trouble remembering what is filed under each letter you can download our handy a to z index printable. I use the A to Z index Dividers as a Filing System in 3 of my filofaxes.

A to Z Dividers: as an index for a topic specific binder

For those of us who justify mulitple planners by dedicating each binder to a specific topic you may organise the binder using the A to Z Index Dividers for example in your study binder or career binder. In my Career Development Filofax I use my A to Z Index for my research on different companies, which are of course, organised alphabetically.

These are my favourite ways to use the Dividers. Share yours in the comments.



Filofax Friday: Weekly Time Recording Inserts

This week we have been discussing Time Recording so I thought it was appropriate to share my weekly time recording record which I keep in my personal filofax. 

The sheets set out a grid with categorised activities. At the beginning of each week I plan how much time I want to spend on the various activities and at the end of the week I review my time recording and compare. easy and simple (the hard bit is the actual time recording).

Download: Weekly Time Recording (Personal)

Filofax Friday: Daily Routine Checklist

Earlier this year I wrote about my daily default schedule insert (which is still available to download)  and how I use it to plan my free time. The design set out hourly slots to help me choose an activity to get on with should I not already be doing something else.

Today I am sharing with you a tweak of this insert which is activity based rather than time based. The daily routine checklist is a list of things I want to do every day of the week.  My intention is to include this in my writing and blogging Filofax.

Instead of hourly slots the insert includes the activies I want to do daily. You can download the daily routine checklist for free to use in your own planner. The download also includes a blank copy so you can write your own list of activies.

Download: Daily Routine Checklist  (suitable for all sizes).

Don’t forget if you enjoy the “Daily Routine”  to do list method of getting things done, whether it is for your blog, business or otherwise you can also use our custom daily routine notebook for more complex projects. A great new collection of cover designs are now available to order.