F is for… Fact sheet


I had originally thought of doing a “finances” insert for the letter ‘f’ but since I talked about ‘Expenses’ for ‘E’ I thought that might have been a bit of an overkill. So instead I am going to talk about fact sheets. My Filofax is literally littered with them. One of my Metropols is just stuffed with information.

Do you have many fact sheets in your Filofax? Fact sheets are pages where you write down key information for reference purposes usually about a particular thing in your life like your computer, your car, your house etc. For example I have a fact sheet for each of my notebooks, various websites and for car and house maintenance.

The one I have made available for download today is for planting bulbs in your garden.

Letter F insert

The orange colour shows the time of year that the flowers are in bloom and the green colour shows when you should be planting the bulbs. This part of the insert shows the Spring Flowering Flowers. For the Summer Flowering Flowers (that you should be planting this month) just download a copy of the insert.

Do you enjoy spending time in the Garden? If so, how do you organise your bulb planting?

Download: Factsheet – When to plant bulbs in the garden

8 thoughts on “F is for… Fact sheet

  1. Your organization is an inspiration.

  2. That’s a handy fact-sheet, thanks for sharing! I wish I was that organised.

  3. I’m so impressed with your organizational skills. I really need to try to put some of these ideas into practice.

    Just stopping by from the A-Z. Hope you are enjoying your weekend! 🙂

  4. this is a really useful page. I hate gardening but I do like to look out on the garden from inside which means oe of us ( preferably my husband!) needs to plant something. I love tulips but never think fo them in time unelss i am flying to see my freind in california because hen I go through Amsterdam airport In October and see all the bulbs. thsi chart is a much better idea for my home filo than that random method and much cheaper too!!

  5. Pingback: My Gardening Journal | Planning with Printed Portal

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