E is for… Expenses


Back in February I started designing an expenses notebook to add to my collection of organisational notebooks. However, with so much money being spent on “doing up the house” lately I have been reluctant to examine my expenses in detail. (yes, my head is in the sand…). I started and stopped with this notebook and and used a simple insert to keep track of my expenses by listing them instead.

Insert - E

I don’t kept try of how I buy things nor do I keep a running total / budget. I review these separately at the end of the month. These inserts can simply be used to track what I am spending my money on and how much I am spending on it. After all it is always good to know how much is being spend on stationery and Filofaxes.

Do you budget in advance, review expenses at the end of the month or a combination of both?

Download: Expenses Insert

7 thoughts on “E is for… Expenses

  1. I write down my bills each month, but don’t daily expenses. I need to, I keep running out of money at the end of the month.

  2. I wouldn’t necessarily write them daily, probably weekly – when I empty my purse of the receipts I have collected.

  3. I’m possibly the world’s worst budgeter, but I like the simplicity of your expense tracking. It’s a great way to see where that money disappears to every monght…

  4. I do a budget at the beginning of the month. I keep track of expenses throughout the month and periodically analyze how I’m doing. Then at the end of the month I see how everything ended up and, unfortunately, usually try to figure out where I went wrong.

  5. Pingback: Planning with Printed Portal | F is for… Financial Accounts

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