H is for… Househunting


If you read my previous post you will know that I recently moved house (end of 2012) after spending the majority of 2012 house-hunting and trying to complete on the purchase.

Over the course of 2012 I designed several inserts to help out with the house hunting side of things and it is these inserts that I am sharing with you today and making available for download for the first time. This is how I used my Filofax to help find a house.

1. Estate Agents

I kept a list of all the estate agents we were dealing with (and saved their phone numbers to my phone). It was useful to have contact details to that we could get in touch regarding properties we liked and know at a glance where their office was in case we needed to pop in. (also handy for unsubscribing from their email address when you have found your dream property).

2. Schedule

As both my partner and I work full-time we were only really available to book in viewings on a Saturday. Therefore it was vital that we packed in as much as possible during this time. If there were multiple properties with the same agent we would also try to check whether we could view all of them at once. Try and note down the agent and specific property number as well.

3. Property Checklist

And finally the property checklist to be completed for each possibility. (I didn’t bother for those which we an immediate No) and found that most Estate Agents gave a leaflet with the property details on it anyway so there was no need to take down all the information.

Letter H Insert

House Hunting can be difficult and stressful – so the best way to deal with it is be prepared. So I have made all three sections available in today’s download.

Download: House Hunting Insert

5 thoughts on “H is for… Househunting

  1. Good forms. We’re getting ready to put our house on the market and start looking for another house. I’ve been keeping all my paperwork in a file folder in my desk but I need some of it in my planner for when we’re out and about. Thanks for sharing.

    • Thanks for reading Patty – yes, it is very useful to have the information out and about – I kept a detailed folder at home – but you can never under-estimate the value of having information on the move. 🙂

  2. Pingback: Planning with Printed Portal | A is for… Change of Address

  3. Pingback: Planning with Printed Portal | H is for… House Comparision

  4. Just what I needed! We’re starting the search for our new home. These will come in handy.

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