Filofax Friday: Which Pens should I use with my Filofax?

I am having a hard time making a choice regarding the right pen to carry with my A5 Filofax. I have two pen loops and I feel like I have been constantly swapping pens unable to settle.

I started by carrying my favourite slimline biro style pen in black which I ended up running done (although to be honest I was getting bored with writing with a Black pen all the time). I then changed to using my Pilot Frixon ball pen in PURPLE and a lead pencil. These worked for a bit but the pencil wasn’t vibrant enough and just got lost on the page and my Frixion ball has gone all “scratchy” (very disappointed) so it was back to my colourful stabilo pens. 

purple pen

Then I remembered why I wasn’t using my favoured stabilo pens in the first place. Not all of the paper in my Filofax is Stabilo pen friendly. I am using the original Wo2P diary and the writing shows through in the diary pages. So this week I have changed to carrying the Staedtler ball point pens in PINK and AQUA Blue.  Although this is completely messing with my original colour coding it is putting a smile on my face. If I am genuinely going to stick to 2 pens for all my Filofax needs (at least for when on the move) what pens should I be using?



What two pens would you choose? I am happy to take suggestions.

5 thoughts on “Filofax Friday: Which Pens should I use with my Filofax?

  1. I use pilot juice in 0.5 from jetpens, in coffee brown. Ink matches cotton cream and it does not bleed thru either FF paper.

  2. I’ve got a set of 8 uni-ball’s SIGNO gel sticks, all the colours apart from the purple work well with filofax paper and the colours are nice and vibrant! xx

  3. InkJoy pens from Paper Mate. They are ball point and don’t bleed through. They write beautifully and are available in an assortment of colors.

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